Tama Tax Tokyo Official Blog

Certified Tax Accountant Advice available in English for foreign residents in Japan

Nortre-Dame Fire, Furusato-nozei Hometown tax deduction revised

I was greatly shocked to hear the breaking news of Notre-Dame Cathedral fire.


In my view, many donation sites will come up in front of you.

Never give your money to fraud foundations.


The revised law will be enforced regarding to deductions for contributions to local municipalities, called "Furusato-nozei" in Japan.


Following June 1st, qualified donation is required

 ・Refund rate is 30% or less

 ・Thanks gift is local specialty


One of the best refund rate cities has already gone from "Furusato-choice" portal  web site.


"Furusato Choice" portal website

If we really had charity mind, it would not concern whether deductible or not.

However, there is no denying that tax is an important issue for us.


By the way, non-residents can also apply the deduction for donations in Japanese Income Tax Return.